Book description:

On a general note, this book assesses Iran’s role in contemporary geopolitics. In particular, it examines three main intertwining circles: Iran’s development and political challenges, based on its religion-inspired ideology, its relationships with neighboring countries (with particular focus on Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, Pakistan, and the Persian Gulf States), as well as its relations with the major global powers – China, the European Union, Russia, and the United States.

With contributions from over 20 authors with varied affiliations, of twelve different nationalities, the book spans such critical aspects of contemporary geopolitics as modern history, natural resources, economy, social-political context, and strategic thinking. A particular attention was given to the fulfillment of the editors’ endeavor of responsible research and inclusive debate, thus encompassing Iran’s perspective on the above-mentioned topics.

Overall, the multidisciplinary approach comprised within the pages of this book follows four main directions:

  • It includes a 360-degree perspective, while integrating different disciplines, and combining them to understand Iran’s stand in the international arena;
  • It combines geopolitics and geostrategy to better understand the dynamics of Iran;
  • Focuses also on the foreign policies of China, the EU, Russia, and the USA that have been influenced by Iran;
  • Emphasizes the impact of the nuclear sanctions in the strategic planning of Iran in terms of economic development, financing, and military priorities.

Furthermore, its main objective is to show why and how Iran continues to be a relevant actor in the international order, and particularly, a regional power in the Middle East.


Information about the book editors:

Francisco Leandro received a Ph.D. in political science and international relations from the Catholic University of Portugal (2010). He is currently Associate Professor and Assistant-Dean of the Institute for Research on Portuguese-Speaking Countries at the City University of Macau, China. His most recent books include Steps of Greatness: The Geopolitics of OBOR (2018), The Belt and Road Initiative: An Old Archetype of a New Development Model (2020, Palgrave MacMillan). He is a member of the OBSERVARE Lisbon, Portugal.

Carlos Branco is a retired Major General of the Portuguese Army. He was Director of the War College Security and Defense Research Centre, Portugal. He is currently a researcher with the Portuguese Institute of International Relations, and an associate researcher with the National Defense Institute. His most recent book is From the End of the Cold War to Trump and COVID-19: Betrayed Promises of the Liberal Order (2020, Edições Colibri).

Flavius Caba-Maria is the President of the think tank, the Middle East Political and Economic Institute (MEPEI) in Bucharest, Romania. He has organized numerous international conferences, summer schools, and international seminars, through which current subjects and the main issues of the Middle East and its impact on Europe and relations with China have been discussed and debated.


The full book or the chapters of interest can be found by following the upcoming link:

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