30 Sep 2019

Event time: 10/17/2019 8:30 am - 10/17/2019 6:30 pm

Timezone: UTC +3, EEST

Short description: International Conference

Add to Calendar 10/17/2019 8:30 am 10/17/2019 6:30 pm UTC +3, EEST International Conference: “Dialogue and Cooperation in the Middle East: Geopolitics and Geo-economics Perspectives” – October 17, 2019 International Conference

The Middle East Political and Economic Institute (MEPEI), the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Romania, and the EURISC Foundation,

In partnership with

The Institute for Political and International Studies (MoFA, Iran), the Institute for Middle East Strategic Studies (Tehran, Iran), and the Chamber of Commercial Diplomacy with Iran (Bucharest)

Kindly invite you to attend the International Conference Dialogue and Cooperation in the Middle East: Geopolitics and Geoeconomics Perspectives” (The Fifth Forum), to be held in Bucharest on Thursday, the 17th of October 2019, hours 08:30 – 19:30, at Rapsodia Conference Hall (1st Floor) & Opera Conference Hall (2nd Floor) of InterContinental Bucharest Hotel (4 Nicolae Bălcescu Blvd / University Square).

The conference keynote speakers are experts in international relations, security studies, energy security, international affairs, economic & trade, and crisis management from China, Hungary, Lebanon, Iran, Italy, Romania, Russian Federation, Syria, and Turkey.

We welcome representatives of the accredited diplomatic missions in Romania, officials of the Romanian public institutions, NGOs, academia (students and professors), think-tanks (researchers and analysts), business persons, and mass-media to the event.

Working language: English (no translation).

Hoping to receive your confirmation for participation, please kindly respond before the 15th of October 2019, 24:00 at the e-mail address: office@mepei.com

Please find below an updated programme.





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The Middle East Political and Economic Institute (MEPEI), the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Romania, and the EURISC Foundation,

In partnership with

The Institute for Political and International Studies (MoFA, Iran), the Institute for Middle East Strategic Studies (Tehran, Iran), and the Chamber of Commercial Diplomacy with Iran (Bucharest)

Kindly invite you to attend the International Conference Dialogue and Cooperation in the Middle East: Geopolitics and Geo-economics Perspectives” (The Fifth Forum), to be held in Bucharest on Thursday, the 17th of October 2019, hours 08:30 – 19:30, at Rapsodia Conference Hall (1st Floor) & Opera Conference Hall (2nd Floor) of InterContinental Bucharest Hotel (4 Nicolae Bălcescu Blvd / University Square).

The conference keynote speakers are experts in international relations, security studies, energy security, international affairs, economic & trade, and crisis management from China, Hungary, Lebanon, Iran, Italy, Romania, Russian Federation, Syria, and Turkey.

We welcome representatives of the accredited diplomatic missions in Romania, officials of the Romanian public institutions, NGOs, academia (students and professors), think-tanks (researchers and analysts), business persons, and mass-media to the event.

Working language: English (no translation).



08:30 – 09:30 Registration of the Participants and Welcome Coffee

09:30 – 09:45 Official Opening Session

– Representative of the Parliament

– Representative of the Authority

– Representatives of the Organizers

09:45 – 11:30 Opening Remarks / Keynote Speeches.

The Evolving Trends in the Middle East. The Policies of Great Powers.

Addressing current trends, opportunities, and future challenges for the region, together with perspectives regarding the region’s near future and beyond. Elements that play a role in policies ruling over the region. How will leadership raise up to challenges?

The main policies and actions of the Great Powers – USA, China, and Russia in the region. Foreseeing the interplay of Great Powers, influencing each other, accelerating or preventing change, and implicitly shaping the context in the Middle East / West Asia. Is it likely that the situation to be majorly different in the region in the coming future due to the intricacies of the power games?

11:30 – 12:00 Coffee Break

12:00 – 13:30 Plenary Session: Shaping the Security Architecture in the Middle East / West Asia after the defeat of Daesh.

Are there the possibilities of recurrence of regional political conflicts? The region still lacks a collective security arrangement or an effective forum for regional dialogue, while displaying a high degree of dependence on external powers for ensuring security. No wonder, it could fall victim to non-state actors’actions, especially because of the fragile security system because of the vacuum created by the weakening of the centralized government in several Arab countries after the Arab uprisings.

Will the inter-state chaos allow the resurgence of a new “Daesh” and accelerate the erosion of the Arab States? How leadership will eventually respond to such salient issues?

13:30 – 14:30 Lunch on the Conference Venue

14:30 – 16:30 Parallel Panel I (Rapsodia Conference Hall): Economic Sanctions in the Middle East. Impact on Society, Peace and Security

USA and the EU established sanctions regimes with significant implications for Middle East trade and finance. Notably, the US sanctions against Iran are increasing following the US unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA. The Middle East is no stranger to sanctions, often operating as the testing ground for some of the “harshest sanctions in history”.

The use of economic sanctions with a view to achieving political objectives has been on the rise in the 20th and 21st centuries. Evaluation of the broader implications of economic sanctions and their effectiveness in influencing the political course in the Middle East. What will be the future of OPEC? What is the current status of state reconstruction following the war in Iraq and Syria?

Parallel Panel II (Opera Conference Hall, 2nd Floor): The Opportunities for Trade and Investments in the Middle East / West Asia

Despite the unique circumstances and challenges ahead, the future of the Middle East/ West Asia, there is room for constructive and positive transformation throughout the region. There are several States in the region to experience growth (economic, not only demographic), particularly noticeable in the States in the quest for economic diversification, non-oil revenues, and technological boom. Such positive trends are encouraging for potential investors and businesspersons alike.

Note: This panel will mainly address the economic, private sector of Romanian companies. Company representatives, including members of the Chamber of Commerce, will be in attendance.

16:30 – 17:00 Coffee Break

17:00 – 18:00 Parallel Panel III (Rapsodia Conference Hall): Evaluation of the Forthcoming Situations in the Middle East / West Asia

The Middle East is widely known for its volatility and constant conflicts, a spillover effect being of concern for the Europeans (the geographical vicinity) / the West, but also for East Asia. Recently, we have been witnessing a shifting of global economic power eastwards. In fact, the region has recorded a significant shift in the region’s trade patterns toward Asia over the past few decades. With the majority of the Middle Eastern States dependent on natural resources, economic diversification is a major development challenge, and engaging with Asia might provide the answers to this dilemma.

Parallel Panel IV (Opera Conference Hall, 2nd Floor): The Economic Development in the Middle East / West Asia: Commercial and Energy Prospects

The region can achieve greater economic gains if more countries would work on competitive advantages and integration into global value chains. The most important is to regain governmental control over the territories at war in order to proceed with medium and long-term planning. The reconstruction process in the aftermath of conflicts can benefit from foreign investment, which requires forging new contractual frameworks.

In addition, the region’s energy sector is set to provide abundant business opportunities in the coming years for investors and service providers. The energy sector is remodeling, given a context where state subsidies are diminishing, non-traditional sources of energy are explored and the private sector is being invited to assist with operationalizing changes.

Note: This panel will mainly address the economic, private sector of Romanian companies. Company representatives, including members of the Chamber of Commerce, will be in attendance.

18:00 – 18:10 Short Break

18:10 – 18:30 Conclusion and Final Remarks

Thank you very much for attending the event.

Pricing and booking information

Registration event form


Rapsodia Conference Hall (1st Floor) & Opera Conference Hall (2nd Floor) of InterContinental Bucharest Hotel (4 Nicolae Bălcescu Blvd / University Square).

Contact us

Hoping to receive your confirmation for participation, please kindly respond before the 15th of October 2019, 24:00 at the e-mail address: office@mepei.com

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