In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful,


On 11 February 2023, Iranian nation will celebrate the 44th anniversary of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This day is the national day of Iran. However, the history of Iran is not limited only to 44 years, since; Iran is the oldest countries of the world, dating back to 3200 BCE. Throughout its history, Iran have been the subject of many developments in which the Iranian nation has determined its own destiny, but, certainly the Islamic revolution in 1979 is one of the most significant ones. This revolution was not only a political change but also a social transformation.

The generated self-confidence and independence is the biggest legacy of the Islamic Revolution which has resulted in many achievements in Iran. Today, Iran is among the advanced countries in many areas in science, technology and innovation[1], and for this reason, has always been an attractive destination for business, investment and tourism.

Iran ranks 15th in medicine and 7th in pharmaceuticals. It was among the 10 countries that produced its national corona vaccines. According to the recent statistics, more than 155 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine have been injected in Iran (Almost 80 percent of the population). Meanwhile, Iran has reached the 4th place in the world in the production of infertility treatment sciences, the 15th place in the world in ophthalmology and is among the top 10 countries in heart and heart valve surgeries.

In terms of science production, Iran is ranked 15th in 2021, while it ranks second in the growth of science with an acceleration of 11 times more than the world average rate. In the field of aerospace, it ranks 13th and in production of Nano medicine is on 7th ranking. Iran stands among the top 5 countries that could produce high-power lasers. Additionally, it is on the fourth place in robotics and has reached the 13th rank in the world in marine industries,

According to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Global Innovation Index of 2022, Iran is place in the 2nd place in the Central and Southern Asia group, climbing to 53rd place, improving notably from the 104th place it held back in 2012 and establishing itself as a middle-income economy with the potential to transform the global innovation landscape.[2]

Iranian and Romanian nations always had respectable relations. Last year Iran and Romania celebrated the 120th anniversary of diplomatic relations (1902-2022). In fact, Iran is the oldest partner of Romania in the Asia Continent and strong cultural and economic nexus exists between Iranians and Romanians in the history. The two nations adore and respect each other’s cultures. In order to present another piece from the reach culture of Iran to the Romanian nation on the said occasion, the Embassy supported the translation in Romanian and publication of one of the best manuscripts of Iran, Hafez (“Hafez: Nectarul Iubirii, Ghazaluri alese din Divan-ul lui Hafez.

In the Economic field also, Iran and Romania have always had good economic and trade relations, so that the peak of trade between the two countries in the 1980s had reached 1.5 billion $. After a fall in 2019-2020 as the result of unlawful sanctions, we are glad that in 2021-2022, the two countries are in a right track on the economic side. The two countries economic relations in 2021 increased to 483 million dollars, almost five times more than 2020. In the first 10 months of 2022, we are witnessing 30 percent increase in Iran’s export to Romania. Of course, these numbers even could be increased in 2023. The Embassy welcomes the Romanian private and state-owned companies’ investments in Iran and ready to support further development of economic relations between the two countries. In the new international atmosphere, the possibility of economic cooperation in various fields is much wider between the two nations.

On international level, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran is committed to international law, principles of United Nations Charter and the applicable human rights law. Iran respects the right of people to freedom of expression and the right to peaceful assembly and association. However, as recognized in international law, as any other state, Iran is firmly determined to ensure its public order and prevent any action against its national security and interference in its internal affairs. If there is a genuine will to promote human rights in Iran, there should be a firm policy against the unlawful, years-long sanctions against the Iranian nation, in particular those that have been re-imposed since 2018, and as documented by the United Nations are violating several human rights of Iranian nation.[3]

Iran continues to adhere to the established principles of international law without exception, whether in Palestine or Ukraine and is ready to consider utilizing its authorities to contribute to peace and security. Iran has always been prepared to engage in good faith and in a constructive manner to resolve any differences, in particular on nuclear deal, through peaceful means based on equal footing and full respect. Conversely, unlawful intervention and intimidation campaigns against Iran will always backfire on their instigators. History proves that coercive measures against Iran will neither contribute to the improvement of human rights, nor to the international peace and security.

The Embassy wish to reiterate on this happy occasion that the everlasting friendship will further grow between Iran and Romania and wish for the peace, prosperity and happiness of the peoples of the two countries and the world!





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