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We submit to your attention the announcement for the International Summer School GEOPOLITICA, 6th edition, 2014- THE NEW DIMENSIONS OF ENERGY STRATEGY IN THE MENA REGION, organized by the Middle East Political Economic Institute (MEPEI), in partnership with the Geopolitics Association „Ion Conea”, The Faculty of Geography (University of Bucharest) and the Review GeoPolitica, that will take place between July, 28  – August, 1 2014, at The Faculty of Geography  (Bd. Nicolae Bălcescu, No. 1/ Universității Square).

The programme „THE NEW DIMENSIONS OF ENERGY STRATEGY IN THE MENA REGION” is launching a study programme on the instruments and methods at the various levels, such as political, economic, geopolitical, investment and socio-regional which private, public sectors and civil society are concerned with at the moment.

The programme is opened to all persons interested in a better understanding of the geopolitical, diplomacy, economic relations and contemporary strategies of the Middle East and North Africa, at the core of the geostrategic game imposed by the current Euro-Asian and Euro-Atlantic regional strategies.

The Summer School aims to approach aspects beyond the reconfiguration and energy programmes inside the MENA region, meaning that it desires to address the „green” alternatives to hydrocarbons.

The summer school contributes to the personal development of the participants (students, Master, PhD students, lecturers, analysts on international affairs, environmental business participants), so the knowledge acquired during the study programme would be beneficial for their professional aspirations.

The courses aim to provide a compilation, analysis and applied information, with the purpose of achieving a clearer vision on the topic and our surrounding world. In this sense, experts and practitioners from the geopolitical, economic and diplomacy fields will feature a vision on the past, present and future of the Middle Eastern relations revolving around the Euro-Asian and Euro-Atlantic axis.

At the end of the summer school, on basis of evaluations, the organizers will offer GRADUATION DIPLOMAS and/or PARTICIPATION CERTIFICATES.

Courses will be held between 10:00-16:30, on a daily schedule according to the assigned dates.

A proceeding is intended to be published following the end of the Summer School Programme.

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