Event time: 11/20/2024 6:00 pm - 11/20/2024 9:00 pm
Timezone: Bucharest time
On Nov. 20, 2024, between 6 and 9 PM (Bucharest time), MEPEI, in collaboration with the Consulting and Research Center at the Cihan University – Duhok, is organizing an International Conference on the Zoom platform, entitled “Global Economy and Geopolitical Changes”.
This webinar is divided into two sessions, with a total of six speakers, each allocated 10 minutes.
Session I – 6:00-6:45 PM – Contemporary Challenges in the Middle East and the Global International Order
Moderator: Dr. Flavius CABA-MARIA (Romania), President, MEPEI, Bucharest
- Prof. Dr. Kayhan BARZEGAR (Iran), Senior Academic Advisor and Professor at Islamic Azad University, Tehran;
- Dr. Alexey KHLEBNIKOV (Russia), Middle East Expert, Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), Moscow;
- Dr. QIN Tian (China), Deputy Director of the Institute of Middle East Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), Beijing.
Session II – 6:45-7:30 PM – Security and Energy Challenges and Their Impact on Geopolitical Changes
Moderator: Assistant Prof. Dr. Nawar Al-Saadi (Iraq), Director of the Center for Consulting and Research at Cihan University – Duhok (CRC)
- Prof. Dr. Luay Al-Khatteeb (Iraq), Former Minister of Energy and Member of the Federal Energy Council of the Republic of Iraq;
- Assistant Prof. Dr. Muhanad Seloom (Qatar), Critical Security Studies, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies;
- Ms. Rafah Alsaad (Canada), Senior Reporter, Al-Arabiya TV (since 2011).
Q&A Session – 7:30-9:00 PM
- Prof. Dr. Kayhan BARZEGAR (Iran), Senior Academic Advisor and Professor at Islamic Azad University, Tehran;
- Dr. Alexey KHLEBNIKOV (Russia), Middle East Expert, Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), Moscow;
- Dr. QIN Tian (China), Deputy Director of the Institute of Middle East Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), Beijing;
- Prof. Dr. Luay Al-Khatteeb (Iraq), Former Minister of Energy and Member of the Federal Energy Council of the Republic of Iraq;
- Assistant Prof. Dr. Muhanad Seloom (Qatar), Critical Security Studies, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies;
- Ms. Rafah Alsaad (Canada), Senior Reporter, Al-Arabiya TV (since 2011).