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“Middle East: Challenges and Certitudes” Summer School gives the opportunity to the participants to find out more about the politics of the key countries of the Middle East. The summer school programme is organized by The Middle East Political and Economic Institute in collaboration with the Association of Geopolitics “Ion Conea”, between 5 and 11 August 2013, in Bucharest.

This event is organised to promote better understanding of the Middle East, to provide expertise in a broad range of issues, to discuss the socio-cultural, political and religious context, to bring experts and students from the Middle East countries and to encourage the exchange of ideas and experiences in an open debate.

The topic we would like to cover address the key questions that have dominated politics in this region in the last years, the focus will be on: Arab Spring, past political regimes, strategic solutions for the Middle East, the impact of political Islam, political development, religious co-existence, and gender-based reforms and programmes.

The Summer School contributes to the understanding of the Middle East, its culture, people and scientific values, and of course to the reality of the political and business field.


  • the program gives a special attention to analyses of the important aspects that influence directly the level of stability in the Middle East: the Israel – Palestinian relationship, energetic strategies of the biggest players from the area, the impact of the EU, NATO and USA policies on the political strategies promoted by the Arab states.
  • Debating will be focused on the way social, cultural and confessional aspects rely on the political processes.
  • Dialogue with the experts, political personalities, technocrats, directly implied in the moulding of the political process.
  • Through the topic approached participants will be informed about the actual aspects of the Islamic world.
  • Publishing articles for a better understanding of the Middle East.


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